Non-Clinical Investor Model

Invest in the Senior
Healthcare Industry

The demand for senior care is rapidly increasing, presenting an excellent opportunity. You don't need to be a doctor or have prior experience in the healthcare industry to own your own Age Well Dr's practice.

Senior Care Industry Staggaring Growth and Demand

Get in early on a lucrative, growing industry


Billion Dollar Industry

The senior-living industry presently generates over $94 billion in annual revenue. Projections indicate a steady growth rate of just over 4 percent annually, potentially reaching a staggering $805 billion by 2030.


Projected shortage in Primary Care

Between 2020 and 2030, the Medicare population is expected to soar from 65 to 75 million individuals. Medicare spending growth surpasses that of any other healthcare expenditure, with nearly 40 percent allocated to home health services. The majority of Age Well Dr's targeted senior population are Medicare recipients, underlining the significance of this healthcare coverage.


Assisted Living not Affordable

A significant percentage of seniors are unable to afford four years of assisted living or more than two years of nursing home care. Despite this, statistics indicate that 52 percent of individuals reaching the age of 65 will need long-term care services at some stage as they age, with 47 percent of men and 58 percent of women among them.

What We Offer

Why invest with Age Well Dr's?

Fast Startup

Usually, there's a 90-180 day timeframe between signing and opening a new center. However, with our streamlined processes, we have everything set up to expedite the opening process, ensuring a quick transition from signing to opening.

Partner Discounts

We've collaborated with experts in all the crucial areas necessary for your success. From vendor management to every aspect of your operation, we'll handle it all, ensuring a seamless experience for you.

Location Support

We'll work alongside you to locate the perfect space, negotiate favorable terms such as rent abatement and other concessions, and then proceed to design and build out the space according to your specifications.

On-Site Support

Two weeks before the grand opening, our team will be onsite to provide comprehensive training for you and your staff, conduct tours, finalize any remaining pre-opening tasks, and ensure that everything is in place for the grand opening week. We'll be there every step of the way to support you during this crucial time.

Marketing Support

We've teamed up with a top-tier healthcare marketing firm renowned in the industry. Together, we've devised a robust marketing and advertising strategy aimed at not only attracting but also retaining patients. Our partnership ensures a comprehensive approach to effectively reach and engage your target audience.

Revenue Streams

Our groundbreaking concept of offering multiple services under one roof transforms Age Well Dr's into a total solutions provider, resulting in multiple robust standalone revenue streams. This innovative approach ensures diverse sources of income, enhancing the sustainability and profitability of our model.

The Age Well Dr's Difference

A total care approach to senior care

We offer a family-friendly, state-of-the-art senior care facility exclusively for those aged 65 and above. Our core services include primary care, part-time assisted living, 365 health monitoring, urgent care, physical healthcare, respite care, and more.



We're here to help. Have a question not answered here?

That’s right! At Age Well Dr’s, you don’t need any prior healthcare experience to become part of our family. We handle the entire hiring process, from selecting the Medical Director to hiring onsite staff, and provide thorough training on our patient-centric approach. Our process for opening a practice is carefully designed to be streamlined and ensure success at every stage of the journey!

Marketing is critical to growing any business, and we have partnered with a leading healthcare specific marketing firm. They will develop a customer acquisition plan and retention plan. Grassroots marketing is highly stressed. Working within your community, partnering with other senior care organizations, shaking hands and other hands on activities are essential to your success. The marketing plan also includes website hosting/SEO, digital marketing for social media and other channels, training and support, customizable print assets and collateral, marketing materials, and much more! 

The total initial investment in an Age Well Dr’s practice for a new center typically falls between $480,000 and $900,000. The precise amount you’ll invest depends on various factors like the location of your practice and the range of services you’ll provide. If you’re interested in a detailed breakdown of the investment, let’s connect and schedule a discussion.

Absolutely! Contrary to popular belief, owning a doctor practice doesn't require you to be a healthcare provider, especially with the innovative model developed by Age Well Dr's. We welcome individuals from various backgrounds who are passionate about providing exceptional care to seniors and are committed to making a positive impact in their lives.

Take The First Step Towards Owning a Doctor Practice today!