You Do Not Need Healthcare Experience but You do need to be an effective Leader

Leading is not doing everything but empowering and mentoring those who do

Owners Qualities We Look for

What will make your Age Well Dr's practice successful? You!

You will need to:

Be passionate about what you are doing, Surround yourself with people that will challenge you, not “yes men”, Appreciate your people, Always consider your customer’s point of view, Be a value to your suppliers, Appreciate your competitors, Have an exit strategy, Build a strong support system, Pick yourself up when you fall down and Whenever possible, pay it forward.

You know where you want to go.
We want to help you get there, faster.

The ideal owner is characterized by drive, motivation, and confidence. Belief in our product, concept, and oneself is essential for success. During challenging times, such as a slow month, thinking creatively and outside the box is crucial to overcome obstacles. Maintaining a positive mindset and embracing innovation are key factors in achieving success.


Our partners embody a deep passion for health and wellness, committed to dismantling barriers and revolutionizing the clinical experience. They are enthusiastic about our brand and vision, approaching each day with joy and determination to overcome obstacles.


Our most valued partners are born leaders, driven to foster a culture of mutual respect and integrity within their teams. With the right blend of skills and personality traits, they excel at assembling high-performing teams characterized by effective communication and mutual respect.


Successful partners are adept at engaging with their community to establish connections and nurture relationships with potential patients and referral sources. They are driven by a profound passion for improving the health and well-being of individuals within their communities, striving to make a meaningful difference in their lives.


Ideal candidates for owning an Age Well Dr's practice exhibit perseverance, ambition, and a genuine passion for achieving their long-term goals. They embrace a growth mindset, possess resilience, and demonstrate unwavering determination to see their vision through to fruition.

Need Guidance?

Following these four straightforward steps, you'll be well on your way to owning your own physical healthcare practice! By completing these steps, we can tailor the best entrepreneurial partnership options for your specific area.


Fill Out Form Below

If owning a private practice has been your dream but you lack the resources to do it alone, we're here to assist you! Simply fill out the form below to begin your journey.


Complete the Skills Survey

Once you've submitted your information, we'll promptly email you a survey regarding your clinical skills and experience. Completing this brief survey promptly will ensure the swiftest consideration of your application.


Partners in Your Market

Once we've identified a suitable entrepreneurial partner in your market or region of availability, we'll facilitate a connection between you both.


Working Together

The terms of your partnership will be negotiated directly between you and the Age Well Dr's owner. Collaborate to reach an agreement and develop a growth plan that resonates with both parties.